808 #3
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808 #26


808 #16 Basic settings and how they work


Movie Resolution

1280x720 = 720P
848x480 = WVGA
640x480 =VGA

Movie Cycle Time

The length of time a video will record before starting a new clip. There are 4 settings 5, 20, 40 ,70 minutes. The camera can only record up to 45 minutes using internal battery. Selecting 70 minute clips you will need a external power supply.

Movie Loop Recording

When SD card becomes full it will loop back to beginning and over write previous videos. As example, say you have 3 videos on your SD card  v1, v2, v3 and the card is now full. Loop recording will loop back to v1 and over write it to v4 and continue recording, next it will over write v2 to v5, then v3 to v6 and so on.

Movie Stamp

Set to OFF, No date/time in pictures or videos.
Set to ON, Displays date/time in pictures or videos.

Movie Sound

Sets video volume level

When set to ON LED will blink while recording. When set to Off LED will not be visible during recording.
Movie Quality

Using a higher bit rate will use up more space on SD card and use up more battery without seeing any difference in video quality. 7Mbps is recommended.
Power Off

There are 4 settings for auto shut off. Off, 30s, 1Min, 2Min. This is the amount of time before the camera shuts off after being in standby mode with no activity. Set to OFF the camera will remain ON until its stopped or battery is depleted.
Movie Flip

Flips video 180 degrees (upside down). If for some reason your camera needs to be attached upside down this will let you see normal videos without having to stand on your head to watch it : )
TV Out

NTSC is the video standard used in North America. 30 frames are transmitted each second.
PAL is the video standard mostly used overseas. 25 frames are transmitted each second.
Capture Size

Sets the size of pictures in photo mode.
Auto Record

With auto record ON camera will start recording immediately when the power is turned ON.
With auto record turned OFF recording will start after power is turned ON and shutter button pressed.
Exposure Value, White Balance, Contrast

These 3 settings basically lighten or darken videos.
Color Effect, Saturation

These 2 settings basically increase or decrease color in videos.
Set Time Lapse Shooting

Takes pictures automatically every "preset" number of seconds. To enter time lapse mode press the power button, then click the power again to enter photo mode. (Red LED) In photo mode click the shutter button to start time lapse. The yellow light will blink once for each picture taken.
Motion Detect

Motion detect has a range of about 20-30 feet. To use motion detect turn power on.
To verify motion detect is working set recording indicator (LED) to ON. Light will blink when recording.

Motion Detect TimeOut

When using motion detect this will be the amount of time the camera will record after motion has stopped.
Motion Detect Sensitivity

Increases or decreases motion detect range.
Movie Frame Rate

The number of frames per second.
The lower the frame rate is the more the video will speed up. (like fast motion)
Power On

Delay - the power button needs to be pressed for 3 seconds before the camera turns on.
Fast - the power button only needs to be clicked to start the camera.
TV Display Ratio

4:3 Standard TV
16:9 Wide Screen TV


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