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Google Earth Flight Simulator


Stryker Basics

2K Custom Parts
Stryker Models
Flight Simulator
Center of Gravity
Adjusting /  Elevons
Painting / Sanding
Paint Designs
Glue Types
Motor Mount
Adding CF Rods
Tape Hinges
ABC Fuses
Prop Basics
Online Calculators

2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker

The Google Earth Flight simulator is a hidden feature in Google Earth most may not know is even there. A broad band connection is needed for best results. To try the sim open Google Earth and click on the globe then hit Ctrl+Alt+A on the key board to access the flight sim. Wait for it to load.  For basic controls you can use your mouse to steer and the page up and down keys for throttle control but just remember the controls are backwards. Lean more about controls here. It takes a few times to get use to, but not that bad once you get the hang of it.



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