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Stryker Center of Gravity


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2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker

The Stryker has a (center of gravity) located on the bottom of plane where you put your fingers to throw it. Note inside the finger slots 2 smaller holes, these are the C.O.G points. To test center of gravity after electronics are installed place the battery in plane but dont connect leads, you just need to have total weight of plane before setting the C.O.G. Next, put your thumb and index finger into the C.O.G. points and try and balance plane. If the plane tips forward or backward move the battery and/or receiver slightly forward or backwards in compartments for any additional C.O.G adjustments. The battery has the greatest effect when setting C.O.G. being its heaviest. What I like to do is place a mark on the plane somewhere showing where the battery sits, this way each time you put in the battery you know its in the right spot plus it serves as a reference point for adjusting the battery if COG is off a little bit. PIC of C.O.G. holes.

Once we start getting into bigger heavier components C.O.G becomes more difficult. Finding the right spot to put things is limited. Although the common belief that you can move the C.O.G. forward is somewhat true but not exactly. The more you move the C.O.G. forward the more your elevons will need to be raised to keep a nose heavy plane flying level. In return you will be creating drag. You can fly with C.O.G. a little bit forward but its not recommended.



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