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2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker

The Ultimate Battery Eliminator Circuit eliminates the need for a seperate battery pack to power your receiver and servos. Used when the cell count exceeds speed control ratings. In simple terms: The Ultimate BEC is an external circuit that taps power from your battery pack and regulates the voltage to the necessary 5 volts to power your receiver and servos. Important: When the cell count exceeds the speed controls onboard BEC you will need to disabled the onboard BEC to use the UBEC. Also dont forget to re-program the speed controls new cut off voltage after you install the UBEC.

As an example this is how I did mine. First I disabled the built in BEC on speed control by removing the center red wire on plug. There is no need to cut the wire as it may say to do, one day you may want to use it again. Using a pin or small pointed tool, the tiny plastic clip holding the wire in can be slightly lifted and the wire will slide out, use tape or shrink tube to cover the bare wire end. PIC

I soldered the two bare wire ends of the UBEC to the speed control power wires leading to battery (+ -). I took the other wire from UBEC and plugged it into the BATT on the receiver. The plug wire from the speed control must now be plugged into the throttle channel.

A diagram I made. PIC

The UBEC can be placed anywhere as long as the wires reach. Ive tried many places but ended up putting mine in very front of plane, for no good reason. Where ever you put it make sure the center of gravity is still ok. Heres a couple of pics how I set up my super mega stryker PIC PIC



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