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Checking Your Speed with WaveosScope


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Wavosscope is a German made program to calculate speed using sound. Basically how it works is you take a video of your plane flying, cut a section of the sound out of the video where the plane is entering and passing the video cam. Wavosscope will convert the sound file into wave form so you can calculate the speed. Download Wavosscope German Version or Wavosscope English Version.

Start your plane from a distance away flying low and level at full speed. The plane should be within 50 ft. away from recorder as it passes for best results. Remember, any other sounds besides the plane itself will interfere with results, especially if music was added.

To make a sound recording to use with WaveosScope you will need to use your windows sound recorder to record a portion of sound from your video.

XP sound recorder: To make a direct recording from your video to windows sound recorder...

1. Double click the small speaker down by your time in task bar below, select options/properties.
2. In the properties window select Recording and make sure there is a check mark in the Stereo Mix. Hit ok, the window behind should have a check mark below the Stereo Mix slider bar. Close recording control window.

Open your video and sound recorder together. Once you start playing the video open the sound recorder and wait till you see your best speed run. Hit the Record button on sound recorder to record the sound of it passing. You should have between 4-10 seconds of sound. Hit the Stop button to stop recorder when finished. Hit Play to test the sound to make sure its clear and loud.

Vista sound recorder: Vista sound recorder by default makes .wma (windows media audio) files. To make vista sound recorder create .wav files you need to right click on the sound recorder icon and select properties, replace the target location name with this ( %SystemRoot%\system32\SoundRecorder.exe /file outputfile.wav ) Now we need to "Enable Stereo Mix" right click the small speaker icon down by the clock in task bar then select Recording Devices, if you dont see Stereo Mix in the list you will need to do this ( right click any blank white area below the list ) select "Show all Disabled devices" then highlight the Stereo Mixer now showing in the list and select the "Set Default button" you should see a check mark appear over Stereo Mix.

Tip: I use about 2-3 seconds of plane entering and about 2-3 seconds passing. To save the sound file go to File/Save As, give it a name and save to a folder.

WaveosScope: Open the Wave program and it will ask for a wav file, select the file you made.

Once the program opens you should see wavy lines on the screen. This will be the sound waves from your sound file. Use your left mouse button to mark the left side of a wave line, then use your right mouse button to mark the right side of wave line. Note: Enter air temperature and experiment with the sliders on the side to make the wav lines clearer.

Pic: of wave lines.



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